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The aim in life is really important if you want to pursue something in your life. Student life is the best time to fix an aim. We all are a student and we should have an aim in life. We need to prepare ourselves to reach our goal. Someone with a fixed goal does a better performance in life than someone who doesn’t have a goal. Your aim or goal will inspire you to work hard, to study hard. And you know, without working hard you can’t be successful.
And if you don’t know your aim, you will never feel that inspiration to work hard. Even you don’t know what to study or which particular topic should be emphasized in your lesson. There are so many aims, and you should pick one and need to stick with your own aim. You should not change your aim or bounce your decision.
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The aim in life is really important, without aim life is like without a rudder. A rudderless ship doesn’t know where it is going. Similarly, if we don’t have an aim in our life, we won’t know where to reach. So if you want to be successful and do something in your life then you just need to pick an aim.
And need to work for that aim. There are so many aims in human life. I have an aim also. I want to become a Pilot. I hope I will be able to become one day and I will study for it.
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Introduction: My aim in life is to become an engineer and I will write about that here. Everyone should have a specific aim in their life. Without a proper aim, you can’t go ahead in the road of success. If you want to pursue success in your life, you must have to fix an aim and need to work for that aim. Different Kinds of Aim: Different peoples have different types of aim.
I have seen lots of my friends want to become a doctor, and some of them want to become a teacher. Like doctors and teachers, there are a bunch of aims and goals available that students and kids choose in their life. Right now in this world, the top trending professions are Engineer, Doctor, Teacher, Programmer, Designer, Architect, Marketer, Supervisor, Manager, etc. Maybe you have something unique into you and you want to pursue that. I respect your choice and I suggest you work on your aim.
My Aim in Life: As I said in the starting, my aim in life is to become an Engineer. Specifically a Computer Engineer. Right now I am studying in class ten in the science group. From my childhood, I was a tech lover and still, now I am too much connected with tech things and I wish to stay connected forever. There are so many things that I can do with my computer. My father brought a computer for me when I was in sixth grade and I am still using that PC.
It is working amazingly for me. I know that there are so many things to learn about a computer and it never ends. I know about basic internet using, managing emails, word processing software, etc. And I am reading a book on ‘Learning HTML’. I hope that will help me to understand coding in the future.
The reason behind My Aim in Life: I love to play video games and I am very passionate about that. When I was a kid I thought that how do they create what types of games? But now I know that people who worked as a software or game developer can build video games. I have so many ideas on my head and I hope I will find so many ideas in the future to create games. I want to build my own video game and let that play for every single kid in this world.
My Preparation: I know that I need to pursue a degree in computer science in the programming sector if I want to become a game or software developer and I am preparing myself for this. I hope that I will do a good result in my SSC examination.
And then I will complete my HSC with good results. I will admit in a public or private university in the course of Computer Science and Engineering. I know there are so many good CSE universities here in my country.
Conclusion: I am really honest and passionate about my aim in life. I will try my best to reach my goal and I suggest everyone do the same.
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