
Gardening is perhaps most common and most interesting of all hobbies we Bangales pursue. It not only gives pleasure, as all hobbies do, but it gives a sense of achievement too. I have some hobbies, with gardening dominating all others. Every morning I get up very early to roam around in the garden. Then the serenity of the fresh morning air refreshes my mind. Lulling odour of various flowers and the eye-catching panorama of motley-coloured leaves and flowers make me feel as though I were perambulating in a dreamland, like a lonely cloud over a remote hill. After enjoying a "light" walk, I start working—watering the plants and weeding the garden. In the afternoon, too, I enjoy working in the garden—clearing withered leaves flowers and twigs, digging and loosening the earth, fencing, trimming plants, and sometimes fertilizing. Hobby is for life, not for livelihood. Yet my garden also pays me much. Life is a huge garden needing to be attended upon-this I can feel when I work in my garden.

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