Duties of a Good Citizen


(200 Words)

When a person lives in a country or state for a long time, he considered a citizen of that country. When a person born in a country, he gets citizenship automatically by birth. But when an outsider comes here and lives, he needs to go through some procedure and make an application for citizenship. A citizen has some duties. To become a good citizen he should follow these duties. The country provides lots of facilities and privileges to the citizen for following these duties. First of all, you need to have immense love for your motherland. You can’t think anything harmful to your country. That’s a moral thing. A good citizen is a true patriot. He loves his country by heart. They always stand front in the danger of motherland. They think to improve the country. So you have to follow these to become a good citizen. There are a lot more things to do. You need to pay the tax in time that the state is asking for. As living in a free and independent country, we are enjoying lots of free services by the country. So we need to repay this by doing all the duties. A country needs lots of good citizens to progress.  


(150 Words)

A good citizen is a very important part of a country. Anyone could be a good citizen. There are a few duties that you need to fulfill to become one. These duties are not hard. First of all, you need to love your motherland by heart that everyone does. Then you shouldn’t commit any activities that can hard your country’s reputation. You have to respect the country, the great leaders and the constitution. By following the constitution, you have to pay respect for the law and judiciary system of your country. A good citizen wants his country’s prosperity from the bottom of his heart. He also respects all the national heritage and beautiful spots. He takes care of his country. He wants the betterment of the country in every aspect. He comes at the front when the country faces any difficulties. He is even ready to sacrifice his life and losing everything for the motherland. 


(100 Words)

There are lots of duties that a good citizen has to follow in his life. First of all, he needs to love his country by heart. He wants the betterment of the country always. He never commits anything that hurts the country’s reputation. He loves and respects other citizens like him. He follows the constitution and the law. He has immense love in his heart for the country and he is ready to sacrifice his life for the motherland. He takes part in the development of the country. he works very hard, contributes to the society and pay the tax on time.    

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