
(250 words)

E-learning means learning online through content or video lesson. It is the modern education system of electronics technology is called electronic learning or e-learning. The development of technology around the world has touched the education system. With the touch of technology, the world is changing every day. It has broken many traditional rules. Just like school means what we understand? Row by row classrooms, blackboards or a room full of the student. Through e-learning, now students can take their lessons from anywhere. In addition to receiving education, teaching has become a relatively easy task now. There are thousands of learning videos, courses, and tutorials on YouTub alone. Khan Academy, Udemy, and Coursera are some of the world-famous e-learning platforms. In Bangladesh, 10minuteschool and BDclass are two popular e-learning websites. There are many advantages of e-learning. We can learn anything from our home with the help of the internet, mobile and computer. One of the major benefits of e-learning courses is that it keeps pace with the ages. One of the most interesting things about e-learning is that I don’t have to be in the classroom to attend classes. The importance of this is increasing day by day. We should also take the benefits of e-learning seriously.

Food Adulteration

(200 Words)

Eating food is really important for everyone. We can’t survive without eating food. But we need to ensure the food quality first because food adulteration is being a really serious problem in our country. Almost every type of food is adulterated. There are a huge number of dishonest businessmen who are doing that type of crime to make some extra money. This is a serious crime and everyone connected with this should get punished. Our government has taken some steps to keep food safe. We all eat fast food, but we don’t know what they use to keep the food look good. Most of the time they use really harmful chemicals these turn as poison when we eat it. The beverage products are also the same. Almost every type of drink use a different type of gas and acid that keeps their drink fresh. So we need to have enough knowledge of food adulteration and make people aware of this. If everyone becomes aware of their own place, that type of problem won’t happen. Otherwise, if it got out of control, we all have to face a really bad time for quality food. 

(150 Words)

Food adulteration is being a serious problem in our country. Almost every type of food is getting adulterated. When we eat something at a restaurant, we need the best and fresh food. But do we know how they keep their food fresh for a long time? It is the process of food adulteration. Adulterated foods don’t look bad or they smell better. But they are not good for our health. Dishonest restaurant owners do that to make some extra profit. In another hand, we buy lots of groceries as like vegetables, fish, etc for our daily food. Most of the vegetables are grown with several types of chemical medicine. That helps the vegetable to grow faster and look good. But this type of vegetable is really risky for the human stomach. Fishes have the same issue. Formalin is a most used chemical for fishes, that doesn’t let them rotten and look fresh.

(100 Words)

Food Adulteration is a common problem in our country nowadays. Food adulteration means mixing chemicals with food for long-lasting and to get a fresh look. At present, almost all businessmen do this.  Fish, food, meat, and chicken are also adulterated by chemicals. Adulterated food is really harmful to our human body. Sometimes it causes cancer. Bad businessmen are responsible for food adulteration. The government should take proper steps for this. Mobile courts should be available everywhere. And common people also should be aware of this. Because most of us don’t know the impact of the Food Adulteration and also don’t care.



Food Adulteration: Short Paragraph (100 words)

We all survive eating food. Food is the first thing that we need to stay alive. But can people eat every food? No, they can’t. People should eat good quality food only. Otherwise, that could be a serious reason for health problems. Right now in this world Food Adulteration is a serious problem. People are using so many types of pesticides to grow vegetables and fruits. That turns as poison for the human body and make several types of diseases in the body. We need to be aware of this and need to stop eating low-quality food. Before eating something we need to ensure the quality.